How To Get A CompTIA 1002 A+ Certification

How To Get A CompTIA 1002 A+ Certification

A lot of people find themselves unsatisfied and looking for more when it comes to their professional careers. They realize that their time is worth more and that they want to change the course of their lives into something more fruitful and fulfilling. Many will turn to IT careers for their abundance of job opportunities, financial stability, and interesting work. The great news is that such changes are possible, and they do not have to be extreme. In fact, people can get started by finishing a few examinations and getting the right certifications. One of the most popular and sought after certifications is the CompTIA A+ certification. Acquiring a CompTIA A+ certificate is the perfect first step to getting you into the IT industry. We are going to look at how to pass the CompTIA 1002 A+ exam. 

What is CompTIA A+ Certification?

CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association) is one of the IT industry’s top trade associations. It aims to provide professional certifications for entry-level jobs in the information technology industry. One of their biggest and most sought after certifications is the CompTIA A+ certificate. This certificate is considered a prerequisite by many businesses looking to fill entry-level IT positions. That is the exact reason why the A+ certification is considered by many as a starting point for those looking to begin a new career in the IT field. It aims to cover a lot of different topics, some of which include – software, hardware, security, networking, mobile devices, etc. 

The course’s goal is to provide candidates with a solid foundation that they can rely on when beginning their IT careers. However, due to the length of the information the CompTIA A+ exam aims to teach, it is broken down into two examinations. The two examinations are the CompTIA 220 1001 A+ exam (also known as the Core 1 examination) and the CompTIA 220 1002 A+ exam (also known as the Core 2 examination). We have already covered the Core 1 examination in a previous blog, and are now going to look at the CompTIA Core 2 exam.

A Look at the CompTIA 1002 A+ Certification Exam

The CompTIA A+ 220 1002 core series version replaced the 902 version. It was released on January 15th, 2019, and aims to teach candidates everything it takes to be IT technicians and cover roles such as IT operations and technical support. The goal of the CompTIA A+ 220 1002 examination is to test candidates on their knowledge of the following domains:

  • Operating Systems (27%)
  • Security Expanded (24%)
  • Software Troubleshooting (26%)
  • Operational procedures (23%)

CompTIA 1002 A+ Exam Details

While the CompTIA Core 1 examination and Core 2 examination might seem similar in most ways, it is important to note that they have their differences. Here’s what you need to know about the Core 2 examination:

  • Experience (Recommended) – While it is true that the examination is available to everyone to take at any time, it is recommended that you take the examination once you have at least 9 to 12 months of experience.
  • Number of Questions – The Core 2 examination also has a maximum of 90 questions per examination. While this is a high number, it is not common for the examination to contain the full 90 questions. Most of the time, the exam will range from 70 to 80 questions. The exams are linear in nature. This means that candidates are allowed to go back and forth throughout the exam duration, mark certain questions or items, and change answers during the examination. Candidates will also be able to review the question once they finish, given there is enough time left on the exam clock.
  • Question Types – The examination will have a variety of question types. The first and usually the most common ones are multiple choice questions. Candidates will be required to choose the correct answer or answers to the questions provided. The other form of questions are drag and drop questions and performance-based questions. Performance-based questions will usually be found at the beginning of the examination. 
  • Test Duration – Just like the Core 1 examination, the Core 2 examination lasts 90 minutes. This means that you will have an hour and a half for each of the examinations. Make sure you use your time wisely and not waste it on questions you are unsure of. Instead, come back to them once you have gone through the examination and have answered questions you are confident about. Candidates that finish the test earlier should consider going over their work and making sure that they didn’t make any mistakes. It is important to note that while it is possible to take both of these examinations on the same day, it is not recommended.  
  • Passing scores: The passing score for the Core 2 exam is 700 (on a scale of 100 to 900). This equates to 75% of the exam to pass. A lot of candidates choose to take practice exams and try to score 85% or higher when preparing to take the CompTIA A+ 1002 exam.

Prepare for the CompTIA 1002 A+ Exam 

Before stepping foot into the testing center, remember that exam preparation is crucial. Failing to prepare is the same thing as preparing to fail. This is a good motto to live by when getting ready to take the CompTIA Core 2 exam

Exam prep should involve making sure you go over all the exam objectives and understanding what the exam covers. Beyond absorbing all your study guides, taking a practice exam is also highly recommended. Whether it questions on software troubleshooting and operational procedures, mobile devices networking, or virtualization and cloud computing, recognize which practice questions you struggle with the most. 

While it is possible to prepare for this examination on your own, it will involve a lot of trial and error, especially if you are brand new to the IT world. Many choose to take professional courses and certification training to ensure they gain the knowledge and skill they need to pass the examination. Comprehensive training programs provide an in-depth overview of the content and provide you with all the tips, tricks, and knowledge required to ace the examination. Keep in mind that it is good to conduct a few practice tests before the big day. This will give you insight into what domains you might need to read up on. 

The CompTIA A+ certificate aims to jump-start candidates IT careers. Once you become A+ certified, you will have the knowledge and skillsets to begin your new career. If you are looking to get your CompTIA certifications, contact MyComputerCareer and take the first step to become certified and accepted into the CompTIA network of professionals. With the many options for IT certification, MCC guides you towards many career pathways in IT Expect training delivered using professional communication skills that ensure you acquire the hardware and software skills needed for software troubleshooting, mobile devices networking, hardware and network troubleshooting, networking security, hardware virtualization, security software troubleshooting, and so on. 

MCC offers a professional learning environment that follows the industry standard for training and certification, ensuring you pass your CompTIA exams and gain the knowledge and skills you need to become a successful IT professional.

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