Career Killers

What Are the Top 5 Career Killers?

We all know that hard work will eventually pay off. Yet, hard work alone will not always suffice, particularly in this day and age. There are plenty of instances where hard-working individuals succumb to various obstacles, sometimes, of their own making.

If you’re looking to start a career in IT, advance your knowledge, or are looking for a career change, MyComputerCareer will help by providing you with numerous courses designed to earn your certificates in IT.

Below are five career killers that you need to avoid at all costs. 

Ignoring Lifelong Learning

With numerous disruptive technologies being introduced on an almost daily basis, no job can be considered secure over the long-term. One of the biggest mistakes that people can make in their careers is to think that their current knowledge is enough to keep their posts.

Today, looking to expand your skills is no longer just a means of advancing your career but more of a way of just remaining relevant in your job. By thinking that learning was a thing of the past, you run the risk of becoming obsolete, let alone being able to advance your career. 

Silently Hoping for a Promotion

In an ideal world, the person with the most experience should always get the job. Yet, hoping that your hard work will be enough to see you climb your career path will often leave you disappointed.

In fact, it’s usually the outspoken employees that get the job. This is even if they have less experience than you. It’s not uncommon for managers to be too busy to keep track of every individual’s progress and will often promote the ones that leave an impression. 

Doing the Bare Minimum

What manager in their right mind would ever consider promoting someone if they show little to no interest in their current position? A promotion will often come with added responsibilities. If you’re doing the bare minimum now, chances are you’ll do the same then, or worse, become overwhelmed. With this attitude, you’ll also never look to further your skills and knowledge. 

Not Networking

Whether you’re looking for a job, a promotion, or even changing careers altogether, having the right connections will get you a long way. If you’re not networking, whether it’s online or in-person, you’re missing out on plenty of opportunities for career advancement. It’s never too early to start networking, either. By making it a regular habit, you’ll always have alternatives whenever you hit a wall in your career. 

Never Making Your Achievements Known

Many of us typically tend to downplay our achievements. We don’t want to come off as too braggy or boastful, but in doing so, we are hurting our careers. While it’s okay to remain humble, when it comes to our careers, letting others know what we’ve done and what we’re capable of will get us a long way. That said, we shouldn’t be bringing them up in every conversation. But we shouldn’t try to hide or minimize our accomplishments either. 


Building a career that pays well and keeps you engaged and eager to wake up every morning is hard enough without making the mistake of failing to further your education.

If you’re looking to start a career in IT, advance your knowledge, or are looking for a career change, MyComputerCareer will help by providing you with numerous courses designed to earn your certificates in IT.

With these certificates, from organizations such as Microsoft, Linux, Cisco Systems, CompTIA, and EC-Council, you will be able to land jobs in IT Security, Network Administration, and Helpdesk. 

Ready to learn more about getting IT certified to start your new career and life? Click below to request information

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