Fear of Changing Careers

How to Get Over the Fear of Changing Careers

In today’s highly disrupted business environment, changing careers for many is no longer a sign of indecision but a necessity. With more and more industries being affected by automation and other technologies, changing course in one’s career may be the wisest thing that person can do. Changing careers isn’t easy and isn’t something that should be taken on a whim. 

This process can be quite overwhelming and stressful and with good reason. According to the Holmes Rahe Stress Scale, changing to a different line of work, is right behind the death of a close friend, in terms of stressful situations. 

MyComputerCareer will help those looking to do so by providing them with numerous courses designed to earn them certificates in IT With these certificates, from organizations such as Microsoft, Linux, Cisco Systems, CompTIA, and EC-Council, our students will be able to land jobs in IT Security, Network Administration, and Helpdesk. 

Why Are Career Changes so Fear-Inducing?

It’s no surprise that such a transition is riddled with uncertainty – the main culprit behind the fear of switching to a different line of work. Other people trying to discourage you from doing it will not help either. 

In some cases, you may also be required to go back to school, which involves extra time set aside. In other cases, there’s the financial element that also needs to be taken into consideration. Even under the best of circumstances, the chances are that you won’t be earning as much as you did before – particularly in the beginning. Then there’s also your reputation to take into account. Starting a new career usually means starting at the bottom, which can influence how you define yourself within your group of peers. 

All of these can lead you to engineer all sorts of excuses why it’s probably best to stay put, even at the expense of your fulfillment. It’s, nevertheless, essential to realize that these fears and self-doubts are nothing more than a subconscious way of protecting yourself from failure. Once you understand this, you can tackle the issue head-on. Here’s how:

Use the Fear to Your Advantage

Fear is a natural response in such situations. But instead of allowing it to cripple you, use it to your advantage and help you steer your course. Do this by following these steps:

  • Name it – Take the time to understand what you’re terrified of. Surface-level fear is usually a symptom of a more deep-rooted commitment that you’re trying to protect. It can be your financial security, your reputation, or your social standing, among others.  
  • Rationalize it – Fear is nothing more than vigilance and can help you stay on course. Consider what actions you can take to proceed towards your career-change goals while still keeping to your commitment. Break these actions down into bite-size pieces and create an action plan.
  • Keep Moving – Fear rarely strikes those that keep themselves busy. If you make a habit of keeping yourself on track and work consistently towards achieving your goal, you’ll be able to keep fear at bay. It’s for this reason why you should always break your plan into small pieces – so that you can always work towards achieving it.  
  • Involve Others – It’s never wise to decide on and execute a career change in isolation as it can send your fears into overdrive. Instead, try involving friends and family, at least concerning encouragement and accountability, if nothing else. Keep them up-to-date on your progress and ask them for advice, when needed. It will make the whole process go more smoothly. 

And know that together with MyComputerCareer, you can receive the necessary training and qualifications to start a career in IT With our job placement support; you will land a job in Information Technology before you know it. Contact us today for more information.

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