March 23, 2020

MyComputerCareer is transitioning all Veteran students at our Dallas Campus to an online teaching methodology.  

We have received a critical update that the President of the United States has signed the much-needed bill into law as of Sunday, March 22, 2020: S.3503

The Veteran Benefits Administration is expected to provide guidance regarding how to proceed in order to ensure our Veterans’ benefits are maintained while we remain compliant with our agreements with the VA and corresponding State Approving Agencies.

There is additional Federal legislation pending that should also benefit Veteran students. We hope to get implementation guidance later this week. The additional bill being considered is H.R. 6194. Together, these bills will expand the ability of programs like ours, previously approved in a non-college degree format for on-campus learning to gain eligibility for distance learning on a temporary basis in an emergency or health-related situation like the current crisis.

We believe this approval will allow us to transition our Veterans to a virtual instructional model temporarily without impacting student benefits. While we understand the urgency in this unusual time, we appreciate your patience as we work towards the common goal of protecting your health while ensuring your educational experience is financially secured.

We are actively pursuing guidance from the VA and the respective states to complete this process as quickly and efficiently as possible. As we learn more, we will release the information.For our Veteran students that are using any VA benefits or funding, there will be documentation headed your way that you will need to sign. Questions regarding any of the below information should be directed to your Campus Director or you can send an email to

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