Stay Motivated While Job Searching

How To Stay Motivated While Looking for a Job

Most job-hunting experts and counselors have pretty much the same idea about staying positive during a job search. All of them will have you visualize what you want, and before you know it, it will happen. Yet, this is something easy to say, especially if you already have a job. But for those of us who are several years into the job search with no results, visualizing the result won’t cut it.  

MyComputerCareer specializes in IT training and qualification. We help all of our students with their job search, with training in job search skills, resume and cover letter writing, and networking as well as interviewing skills. Also, our placement professionals will provide you with career opportunities through our network of employers looking to hire MyComputerCareer students. For more information, contact us today!  

You could do everything by the book such as submitting numerous applications, attending many networking seminars, writing and revising your resume, and still be unable to find work. We all know that the economy never truly recovered after the last recession, and this doesn’t help the situation. Instead of visualizing things, it’s far better to go with something more practical that can keep your spirits up through even the most extended job hunts. 

Keep a Daily Diary of Your Job-Seeking Activities

Having a college degree is no guarantee of a job, and this is pretty well known by now. In many cases, you’ll almost always need some hands-on experience before someone considers hiring you. This can quickly demoralize someone, particularly if they’re just starting or have changed careers at some point. 

To keep your spirits up, however, one of the best things that you can do is stick to an action plan. But even this can be easier said than done, particularly in times when nothing seems to be working. For this reason, it’s a good idea to keep a daily diary of your job-hunting activities such as sending resumes, introducing yourself to various managers, attending networking events, etc. In doing so, you will be more motivated to keep your job search and your spirits afloat, by showing you that you are moving forward.  

Boost Your Confidence

We’re all pretty much aware of the role confidence plays in our motivation and vice versa. It’s no wonder that our confidence levels will take a hit after numerous mishaps in trying to find a job. This, unfortunately, may kickstart a chain reaction, resulting in a vicious cycle. Put simply, the lower our morale and motivation are, the lower our confidence becomes. This, in turn, lowers our motivation and so on. 

Breaking this cycle will not only improve your mood, but it will also improve your chances of getting hired. Confidence, after all, is known to attract people’s attention. Sports and physical activity are known to improve confidence levels. More so, however, do martial arts. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), for instance, is a contact sport that minimizes injuries while also raising confidence levels to all-time highs. 

Keep Showing Up

It’s important to keep in mind that people forget you’re looking for a job unless you keep telling them and showing up at places. The fact of the matter is that you never know when or where an opportunity will arise. You could be doing everything by the book, attending all sorts of networking events and seminars, only to come across a job opportunity at a neighborhood barbecue, when you’re introduced to a friend of a friend who’s looking to hire someone just like you. Put simply, keeping up with the community around you will not only keep your spirits up but also generate opportunities. 

Job hunting may take a while and can bring with it many personal hardships. But with a bit of focus and involvement, you will be able to take a more proactive approach and pull through.  

MyComputerCareer specializes in IT training and qualification. We help all of our students with their job search, with training in job search skills, resume and cover letter writing, and networking as well as interviewing skills. Also, our placement professionals will provide you with career opportunities through our network of employers looking to hire MyComputerCareer students. For more information, contact us today! 

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